The Book of Uncommon Rituals (forthcoming) is an adventurous collection of unique works from practitioners across spiritual paths and no spiritual path, a gathering of rituals for life circumstances for which traditional rituals do not already exist, as well as rituals which exist beyond the categories and structures of traditional religious practice. This resource is meant to be used in a myriad of ways – by groups and individuals, in times of sickness and health, in grief and in joy. Its contents will mark everything from celebrations of love and new life to acknowledgements of profound loss. It has an expansive vision of what ritual is and what it can be, and its framework is always God-optional.  


Ritual is a crucial way of framing human activity. From time immemorial, human beings have crafted rituals to mark important occasions, define the boundaryless space of transition, and structure the liminality of endings and new beginnings. Ritual nurtures our relationships, connects us to ourselves, others, and the world at large, and raises our awareness of the sacred qualities of all life. Ritual breaks us out of mundanity, numbness, and the forgetfulness of the everyday, and brings us into the immediacy of the here and now. Ritual reminds us of who and where we are.  

Today we live in a world bereft of ritual. More and more, we lack the frameworks we have relied on to bring us through the ordinary and extraordinary events of life and death. The rituals that we do have, tied to institutions that no longer speak to our contemporary moment, often do not feel potent or relevant. We are starving for ritual.  

The Book of Uncommon Rituals is a collaborative creation in process. We seek submissions from a diverse community of people who long to remedy our cultural lack of ritual, and share with a broad audience the life-giving practices they have created or learned. We seek submissions from you: clergy and chaplains, businesspeople and artists, men, women, and gender nonconforming folks, youths and wise elders. If you believe there is a need for vibrant ritual in our ever-changing world, please join us. 


Thank you for your interest in submitting to The Book of Uncommon Rituals!  Please read all instructions before submitting. Each submission will be considered for one of our forthcoming volumes. Thank you in advance for your contribution  we look forward to reviewing it!

Editors Wesley Wildman, Melody Stanford Martin, and Molly Silverstein, on behalf of the entire Wildhouse Publications team 

  1. All ritual submissions must be completely original and must not be replications of another author’s work. Any quoted material must be properly attributed. The editors reserve the right to omit attributed material if contributors cannot secure the proper permissions to print.
  2. We are thrilled to have many contributions to this work, however we cannot guarantee that all submissions will be published. 
  3. Contributors may submit multiple entries, but each entry must have its own form submission. Please do not use the form to submit multiple entries at once.
  4. Interactive components are highly encouraged! 🙂 Please consider including descriptions of physical materials, body movements, and sensory textures to help participants ground their experience.
  5. Please omit any specific terms for the divine or specific religious figures (e.g. Goddess, Buddha, Jesus, etc.). Instead, we ask that you use a single asterisk * within the text. In the printed volume, each instance of an asterisk will be replaced with a special symbol. Readers will be encouraged to use whatever referent they desire in its place.
  6. If your ritual includes a guide or leader, please use the term “facilitator” instead of referencing a particular type of clergy member (priest, rabbi, pastor, etc.). Our goal is to make these rituals accessible to a wide audience from many different backgrounds, and to be non-hierarchical in practice. 
  7. Please consider writing rituals in such a way that they can be adapted to be used either in a group or solo.
  8. While we are not able to offer monetary compensation or royalties for submissions, each contributor will receive a free copy of the volume in which their contribution is printed and a great big shoutout on our website, social media, and promotional campaigns.

If you have any questions about submission, please feel free to reach out to Melody Stanford Martin,


The lead contributor is the point of contact for the submitted ritual. The lead contributor may make the submission on behalf of a group of co-contributors, with their consent.
Not listed publicly, for communication purposes only.
Not listed publicly, for communication purposes only.
This information will be made public
Note: This information will be made public
This information will NOT be made public
This information will NOT be made public
This information will NOT be made public
Please link a personal or professional website you would like us to include in our online contributors list
2-3 sentences telling us who you are. This may be appear in publications or publicity.
Is there anyone else who should be given credit for this ritual? If so, please use this box to provide the information above for each additional person (Name, religious/spiritual affiliations if applicable, location, website, and a short bio)
If your contribution is accepted, where should we mail the complimentary copy of the book (one book per lead contributor)? This information will NOT be made public.


Please provide the story of how this ritual came of be and how you use it in your life or community. We may publish select stories that accompany some of the rituals in the book. Note: because this may become public information, please do NOT use any personal or identifying information, and use pseudonyms where appropriate. If you are in doubt about whether to share a story, please obtain written permission from any individuals involved, even if you are changing their names.
Select all that apply
Please list 5-10 terms describing your ritual, separated by commas. Try to be as detailed and descriptive as possible.
Approximate length of time to perform your ritual
What are some contexts or situations for which this ritual would be helpful?
Select all that apply
What materials or objects should be gathered beforehand? Should the participants be in a certain location or be wearing a certain thing? Please provide all preparation instructions here. This will may be included in publication if your ritual is selected.


Some rituals may have a script of some kind, others will be more narrative in nature. Please give us all the details that someone would need to reenact this ritual. This is the main body of your submission. You can add media to this entry using the media upload button.
Are there any readings or texts that pair well with this ritual? Please include title and author only (do not paste the text itself).


We are conducting a qualitative research study related to ritual. Your responses in the next section will help us further this research. Thank you for your participation!
By checking this box, I (on behalf of all co-contributors) hereby verify that the material I am submitting is original to myself, not previously copyrighted, and not previously subject to assignment of any rights, and that I have permission to share all information and stories included. I (on behalf of all co-contributors) understand there is no guarantee that this contribution will be published by Wildhouse Publishing and that it may be published in an edited or significantly edited manner. I (on behalf of all co-contributors) further understand that I retain copyright over any edited version that may be published and therefore I am responsible for giving permission to other people to re-use the contribution in other contexts, subject to any limitations due to assigning rights to publish and distribute to Wildhouse Publishing.
By checking this box, I (on behalf of all co-contributors) hereby authorize Wildhouse Publishing and its partners, subsidiaries, successors, assigns, and editors to adapt and publish this contribution, should it be selected, and to use this contribution in any forthcoming works or publicity campaigns with attribution. I understand that am not entitled to monetary compensation or royalties.


Wesley Wildman



What do a transreligious mystical philosopher, a druid folk activist musician, and a contemplative Jewish agnostic have in common? 
A deep passion for supporting the spiritual quests of non-religious people and people on the creative fringes of religious organizations – including through innovative and transformative ritual. Wesley, Melody, and Molly are launching this project on behalf of the nonprofit WIldheart Evolution and its publishing arm Wildhouse Publications to produce resources that address the crying need for more relevant ritual practices in our time. All royalties from sales of books produced through the Uncommon Rituals publication project are dedicated to Wildheart’s central activity of supporting the spirituality of people who are nonreligious or who dwell in the creative borderlands of traditional religious groups. And we have the support of an array of stunningly gifted editorial advisors who will help us gather, select, and organize contributions of rituals that have bubbled up out of the creative genius of our beloved audience.
You can find out about Wesley, Melody, and Molly on the Wildhouse Publications web site ( And you can find out about our amazing editorial advisors right here.


Coming soon!
